Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Reasons Why Slab Heating Is More Popular Than the Other Systems

If you are going to start building your dream house, you will probably require different forms of heating and cooling systems that are available and best suited to meet the demands of you and your family. 

There are many heating solutions available, but the most recent system that has debuted in the market is slab heating. Still, it is considered a fantastic choice for all shapes and sizes of houses due to the following reasons.

• Warmth at Even Level

The system will provide an even level of warmth to your home that is from ceiling to floor, eliminating the cold spots and drafts. The concept is heat rises, so when it enters the space of your home through the flooring, it gradually rises up towards the ceiling, where it will eventually cool. The heat is constantly being replaced, so every spot in the room has the same temperature. 

• Allergy-Friendly

A ducted and central heating system provides a breeding ground for bacteria and allergens circulated throughout the home. This system radiates heat through space rather than forcing air throughout the home, leading to the minimal blowing of allergens throughout the home.

• Low Maintenance

The system is also low maintenance for the entirety of its lifetime. But it is highly recommended that the system along with its Domestic Hot Water Heat Pump are installed by professionals, and it is serviced by them every couple of years so that the system works in a pristine condition.

• Energy efficient

This system is both energy as well as cost-efficient. It makes environment friendly as well as a cost-effective choice. Since high-efficiency boilers are used in the system, it provides up to 35% more affordability when compared to centralized and duct heating systems.

These are the reasons why slab heating is more prevalent among new home builders considering the various types of heating systems.

Innovative Heating Technologies: Slab Heating, Underfloor Heating, and Heat Pumps

 With homeowners looking for energy-efficient and comfortable heating for their homes, innovative technologies such as Slab Heating, Underfl...